Scientific Council

INCAS Scientific Council is a specialized body committed to scientific research, technological development, innovation and technological transfer, consisting of elected members, de jure and honorary members.

The Scientific Council is organized and operates in accordance with its own regulations, approved by the board of directors by Decision 11/30.06.2016.


The members of the Scientific Council are highly meritorious researchers in the aeronautical field who create and support a top academic environment and strengthen relations between the wider scientific community and INCAS, while analyzing research and institutional development initiatives.

The Scientific Council consists of:

Dr. Phys. Adriana Ștefan

Chairman of the Scientific Council

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Cătălin Nae

General Director

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Liviu Coșereanu

Scientific Director

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Victor Pricop

Vice President of the Scientific Council

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Ștefan Bogos


x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Phys. Andreea Calcan


x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Dragoș Guță


x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Cornel Stoica


x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Adrian Toader


x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Constantin Olivotto

Member of the Board

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Sorin Radnef

Member of the Board

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Mat. Ioan Ursu

Member of the Board

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Victor Manoliu

Member of the Board

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. John Micol

NASA Ames, USA - Permanent Guest Member

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Anders Blom

Innovair, Sweden - Permanent Guest Member

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Ruxandra Botez

ÉTS School of Higher Technology, University of Quebec, Canada - Permanent Guest Member

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Richard Degenhardt

DLR, Germany - Permanent Guest Member

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

UPB, Romania - permanent guest member

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

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