Board of Directors

The operative management of INCAS is ensured by the Board of Directors, composed of the general director and the heads of the main departments of the organizational structure of the institute.


Participation in the meetings of the Board of Directors is ensured in the following composition.

Dr. Eng. Cătălin Nae

INCAS General Manager

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Dr. Eng. Liviu Coșereanu

Scientific Director

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Ec. Ionuț Lom

Technical Director

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Eng. Claudia Dobre

Director of Development and International Relations

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Eng. Sorin Pălălău

Director of Institutional Policies

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Ec. Fănica Ene

Economic manager

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

Ioan Toma - Lawyer

Employee representative

x S. x

Chief Scientist

x S. x is a pioneer of computing and smart contracts.

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